Daniel M. Lofaro Ph.D

Electrical Engineer and Roboticists
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI)
Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research (LASR)
4555 Overlook Ave SW
Washington, DC 20375, USA

University of Maryland (UMD)
Maryland Applied Graduate Engineering
Maryland Robotics Center
4356 Stadium Dr #2105
College Park, MD 20742, USA

Affiliate Professor
George Mason University (GMU)
School of Business and the Volgenau School of Engineering
4400 University Drive, Planetary Hall #4
Fairfax, VA 22030, USA

c: +1-202-378-8964
UMD: lofaro@umd.edu
GMU: dlofaro@gmu.edu
Personal: dan@danlofaro.com

Daniel M. Lofaro

Walking Using Hubo-Ach:

Hubo ZMP walking using Hubo-Ach

Hubo ZMP walking in place using Hubo-Ach

Hubo and OpenHubo walking using Hubo-Ach in Real-Time and Sim-Time Respectively

OpenHubo walking using Hubo-Ach in Sim-Time mode with ODE physics

Hubo Walking in RobotSim using Hubo-Ach

Hubo Dynamic Walking - Developed in 5 Days Using Hubo-Ach Control Software Plaftorm for Humanoids By Daniel M. Lofaro

Hubo Dynamic Walking - Developed in 5 Days! from Golems on Vimeo.

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